The project of creating a compact shipyard /"Building a plant for the production of small vessels"/ is based on marketing research data, studying the research work "Analysis of the technical condition, trends and development trends of the Russian fishing fleet", the results of many years of analytical work.
After analyzing the materials of many years of research, it was decided to issue a design specification for the design of a fishing boat of marine coastal navigation. This work has been completed and there is an advance design of the small fishing bot of the coastal navigation MPB-2000 (base model). For the purpose of further work on the design of ships, the creation of working project documentation, the "RAGNIT" Experimental Project-Design Bureau / EP-DB "RAGNIT" / was organized. These works are aimed at the creation of modern small vessels for various purposes. To address the issues of building a compact shipyard, potential locations were identified, a technical task (TT) was developed taking into account the development strategy of the project before the construction of medium-tonnage vessels for the Far East region (Okhotsk Sea), the Barents and other seas. The project of creating a compact shipyard has a high export-oriented potential, which does not infringe upon the interests of Russian fishing and ship owning companies.